"If I choose to always grow, maybe she will bloom like a wildflower. If I make art from my everyday, she too, will create her days full of colour. If I let my tears fall and always when they need, perhaps she’ll water the earth with an open heart. If I’m clumsy-crazy and all about her Dad, a beautiful-crazy-love is what her heart will search for. If I let him forever romance me in the wake of day, she will forever know no less. If I say “I’m sorry”—even when it’s hard, maybe she’ll be quick to forgive others. If I choose to speak life in vibrant and rich colours, let beige words never settle in her heart. If I leave pretty love-notes, handwritten on every wall, affirmations will line the depth of her soul. If I choose the uncomfy and forever shake up my ways, maybe she too, will stand to live life bold & brave. If I look in the mirror and speak kind and gentle words, she too, will forever know her worth. If I fill our house with flowers, music & sweet loving scents, maybe the silhouette of home will always be warmth. If our front door is always open to those who are in need, she’ll learn the golden purpose of life.
And If I tell her I love her a million times a day, maybe, just maybe, she’ll learn: that even in my flaws, my lack, and my mistakes, I gave her my entire heart"
— Tess Guinery